Report on the Situation at the Border of Spain - The Canary Islands

After border closures have made it more and more difficult for some migrants to use other routes to Europe, the Canary Islands became the main entrance for people on the move to Spain in 2020. The Spanish archipelago, which lies off the coast of north-west Africa, has experienced a massive rise in arrivals compared with the previous years. 2020 was one of the worst and most tragic years in the migratory routes of access to Spain as a whole, because of the high mortality rate of the Canary route. This report documents the situation in the port of Arguineguín, where most disembarkations take place and conditions in Arguineguín camp, the role and response of the local government and the day by day situation.

Language(s): Englisch / English
Publisher: Angélica Cárdenas Piñero


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Jahresbericht 2023: Widerstand gegen das europäische Grenzregime

2023 war kein gutes Jahr für die Menschenrechte. Kriege, Konflikte, wirtschaftliche Not und klimatische Veränderungen haben viele Menschen gezwungen, ihre Heimat zu verlassen. Gleichzeitig konnten wir eine fortschreitende Externalisierung der EU-Außengrenzen beobachten. Politisch scheint in der EU alles dafür getan zu werden, die Festung Europa zu stärken. Damit sollen möglichst viele Menschen davon abgehalten werden, Schutz in der EU zu suchen. Die Leidtragenden all dieser Entwicklungen sind, wie immer, die Flüchtenden selbst. Bei alldem können wir nicht tatenlos zuschauen. Deshalb haben wir auch 2023 kritisch beobachtet, dokumentiert, informiert und interveniert. Die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit findet ihr im folgenden Bericht.
Language(s): Deutsch / German

Italian-Libyan Pacts on Migration - How a renovated partnership is negatively impacting the rights of people on the move

Italy and Libya have been collaborating for a long time to prevent people on the move to reach Europe. People on the move have spoken up multiple times about the situation in detention camps and the many tortures inflicted by Libyan authorities and its militias. However, Italy and the European Union are purposely ignoring such testimonies of violation of human rights and keep funding and training the Libyan coast and border guards.
Language(s): Englisch / English

Streiflicht Italien - Zonen der Rechtlosigkeit

How are people living where no one is watching? In the new issue of our Streiflicht Italy, we look at the lack of rights that migrants and people seeking protection face after arriving in Italy and Libya. Basic rights and protection mechanisms are denied to most of them.
Language(s): Deutsch / German