Gatekeepers of the European Union: Sudan after El-Bashir

Five years ago, borderline-europe organized its first externalization conference in Berlin. We scrutinized the treaties, agreements and control mechanisms which were established to seal off the borders of the EU. In 2012, the European Union was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Ten years later, people are still drowning in the Mediterranean Sea and dying of thirst crossing the deserts – because there still are no safe escape routes. Under the rule of dictator Omar El-Bashir, Sudan has played a crucial role in securing the borders that have been outsourced to Africa. The country has become Europe’s gatekeeper for refugees and migrants from East Africa and other parts of the world. With the 2019 revolution, hope of a new democratic government emerged in Sudan. The 2021 coup shattered this hope. What is the situation today? This brochure is the result of a joint event with Bildungswerk Berlin of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and Africa Center for Justice and Peace Studies in Karthoum. It discusses the status today and which consequences the countercoup has had for people on the move.

Language(s): Englisch / English
Publisher: borderline-europe - Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen & Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich Böll Stiftung


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Spotlight Italy - Cosmos Palermo

Our latest Italy magazine Streiflicht is here! In 'Kosmos Palermo', we look at the realities of life for migrants who come to Palermo, Sicily, and try to build a life in the city. In doing so, they repeatedly encounter hurdles. At the same time, there is a dense network of organizations in Palermo that try to support migrants in overcoming these challenges. Unfortunately "Spotlight Italy" is currently only available in german.
Language(s): Deutsch / German

Jahresbericht 2023: Widerstand gegen das europäische Grenzregime

2023 war kein gutes Jahr für die Menschenrechte. Kriege, Konflikte, wirtschaftliche Not und klimatische Veränderungen haben viele Menschen gezwungen, ihre Heimat zu verlassen. Gleichzeitig konnten wir eine fortschreitende Externalisierung der EU-Außengrenzen beobachten. Politisch scheint in der EU alles dafür getan zu werden, die Festung Europa zu stärken. Damit sollen möglichst viele Menschen davon abgehalten werden, Schutz in der EU zu suchen. Die Leidtragenden all dieser Entwicklungen sind, wie immer, die Flüchtenden selbst. Bei alldem können wir nicht tatenlos zuschauen. Deshalb haben wir auch 2023 kritisch beobachtet, dokumentiert, informiert und interveniert. Die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit findet ihr im folgenden Bericht.
Language(s): Deutsch / German

Italian-Libyan Pacts on Migration - How a renovated partnership is negatively impacting the rights of people on the move

Italy and Libya have been collaborating for a long time to prevent people on the move to reach Europe. People on the move have spoken up multiple times about the situation in detention camps and the many tortures inflicted by Libyan authorities and its militias. However, Italy and the European Union are purposely ignoring such testimonies of violation of human rights and keep funding and training the Libyan coast and border guards.
Language(s): Englisch / English