
Your donations make our work possible. borderline-europe is an independent NGO funded largely by donations and the contributions of our funding members. If you want to support our work financially, we are grateful for every donation. You can also support us by sharing our support letter (only in German).

Support our work with your donation or become a sustaining member!


You can also donate via bank transfer:

Donation account

borderline-europe e.V.
GLS Bank, Bochum
IBAN: DE11 4306 0967 4005 7941 00

Every donation helps!

Simplified doantion proof: donations up to 200,- € can be submitted at the German tax office without donation proof. In this case it is necessary to submit the deposit receipt of the bank transfer and an explanation of the non-profit purpose and the exemption of the corporation tax. You can find an explanation of the simplified donation proof here. Of course we also certificate donation proofs. Therefore we do need the name and the address.

Are you interested in becoming a sustaining member?
Simply return the completed membership form by post or send us an e-mail to mail(at)

Donation Certificates

If you are still looking for a special gift, why not make a donation to borderline-europe? Choose one of the donation certificates and send us a mail to We will then send the donation certificate to the person you want to surprise.



Here you can find the statutes of borderline-europe