
Streiflicht Italien: "Nicht-Orte"

As the EU's external border state, Italy is one of the main sites of European migration policy. The mass dying in the central Mediterranean, the miserable conditions in the mass reception facilities and the blockage of civilian sea rescue have for many years represented Europe's inhumane treatment of those seeking protection. From this point of view, Italy is repeatedly in the media spotlight, but at the same time there are hardly any reports about what happens to the people once they survive the risky crossing and reach the Italian mainland. Where do they go? What chances of a safe life do they have in Italy? With the pilot edition of our "Streiflicht Italien", we turn our attention to the "non-places" that Italy's reception policy has created for new arrivals. A system in which those seeking protection are pushed into invisibility.

In four chapters, we address the following topics:

1. The Italian reception system
2. Deportation detention and deportations
3. The Dublin System in Italy
4. Solidarity is when the right to move is for everyone

In this issue we show how places are deliberately turned into non-places, where anonymity and, loneliness prevail. This is a system that is politically intended to deter people. You can read the entire magazine here (German only).