
The real crime is the border regime - Free the #Samos2

230 years + life imprisonment: this is the sentence Hasan faces in Greece for steering the boat in which he fled to Europe. He is on trial together with N., who lost his son while trying to cross. As the first asylum seeker ever, he is blamed for the death of his child during the journey and is charged with "endangering the life of his child", facing up to 10 years.

Exactly 1 year ago today, N. and Hasan, together with 22 other people, tried to flee to Greece in a rubber boat. Close to Samos, the boat crashed into the rocks, the people fell overboard, N.'s small child drowned in the waves.

Today borderline-europe, together with 70 groups across Europe, launches the campaign "The real crime is the border regime - Free the #Samos2" for N. + Hasan and demands that the charges against them be dropped!

Not only does the EU deny people on the move safe and legal entry routes, forcing them to take dangerous routes, it also criminalises them for the suffering they have to endure because of that!

The criminalisation of refugees must end! Safe and legal passage now!



Language(s): Englisch / English